domingo, 2 de novembro de 2014

Questões para os casos de terça-feira

Na sexta-feira, na turma da noite, Kelper e Hallyson, à medida que foram apresentando o caso, já foram mostrando as questões e as respostas com base no que eles apresentaram.

Cada um tem liberdade de fazer a apresentação da maneira que achar melhor. Todavia, a forma como eles fizeram ficou muito boa.

Me enviem os slides antes da aula começar!

Além disso, busquem informações além daquelas que estão no caso. Já que eu facilitei para vocês dando as perguntas de forma antecipada. Isso é fundamental!

Caso 37:

1. What is a financial lease? What advantages or disadvantages does it have over debt?

2. What are the pros and cons of each of the three financing alternatives given in the case

3. What is the problem in the case?

4. Which alternative did you choose? Why? Provide quantitative support for your answer.

Caso 38:

1. Why do they call these contracts derivatives? Where is the optionality in these contracts?

2. Draw a diagram of payoffs at the end of the life for the contract presented in case Exhibit 1.

3. Please deconstruct the options embedded in the contract given in case Exhibit 1. Are they puts or calls? Are the positions long or short from PNW’s standpoint?

4. What are the pros and cons of weather protection from PNW’s perspective?

5. Why is Enron in this situation? What does Enron stand to gain?

6. How should Mary Watts proceed to assess, and decide upon, the use of weather protection for PNW? What criteria should she use to make her decision?

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